Austin Burke

Talking about code.

Habit Tracker React Redux Project

Having spent a fair amount of time on my Rails project , I decided to simplify this React/Redux project. I decided to make a simple habit-tracker application to demonstrate how React application, utilizing Redux for state management, can utilize a Rails API backend.

Rails Meets JavaScript

I’ve recently finished my Rails and JavaScript project and it’s been quite fun. I love integrating the different pieces of an application and watching them all come together. Learning how to use JavaScript/jQuery to interact with the Rails back-end has been awesome.

Rails Project - MyClub

It feels like this Rails section has completely flown by, but I’ve learned so much along the way. The initial transition from Sinatra to Rails was difficult to come to grips with, but like almost everything since I began programming, it has gotten easier over time.

The 'Slow Reveal' of Rails Magic

When I initially began Sinatra section of the FlatIron curriculum I really didn’t understand why I was being forced to learn a framework that is not what I will actually be using. Now that I’ve been in the Rails section for a little while I’m realizing the benefits of beginning with Sinatra.

Sinatra CRUD Application

For this Sinatra project, I decided to make a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application called ‘Web-book’ with a bit of added functionality. The function of the application is to act as an advanced ‘Website Bookmark’ tool. It allows you to add a website, followed by attaching a tag to the website so that you can quickly filter your websites out. The tag may be: work, food, family, shopping, blogs, etc.